jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

Victorian Times - 19th Century London

Hello everybody!

We're now going to look at life in London in the 19th century. 

As you already know, Charles Dickens lived in the 19th century and he wrote about it in his books. At this time, London was the largest, most spectacular city in the world. In 1800, the population of London was around 1 million. In 1900, the population increased to 5 million. This caused a lot of poverty in the streets of London. Crime, especially street robbery and pickpocketing, was popular in the dark. Thousands of chimneys created black smoke and black soot was everywhere. Many people drank water from the River Thames, which was often contaminated. Help for the poor was available in the workhouses. However, the conditions of these workhouses were horrible. In reality, the workhouses were like a prison for the poor. This is because the government wanted to improve poverty.


  1. Define the 10 words in bold.
  2. How much did the population increase between 1800 and 1900?
  3. What were the streets of London like in the 19th century?
  4. Why do you think people drank from the River Thames?
  5. Why were the workhouses so bad? 

Your task:

- Find 3 more facts about life in London in the 19th century and comment below.

Have fun :)


37 comentarios:

  1. 1-Increased: Is when something goes up
    -Poverty: Is when people are short of money and they haven´t got home
    -Crime:It is an action in which you commit something bad and you are punished
    -Street robbery:It´s when someone on the street takes something from someone else without them knowing
    -Pickpocketing: Is when someone takes spmething from someone else´s pocket.
    -Chimneys:It,s an object that serves to expel smoke from a house .
    -Contaminated :It´s a space in wich it is full of harmful gases.
    -Prision :It is a place where you are locked up for doing something wrong.
    -Government:It is a group of people who flock to the population.
    -Improve:It's an action where you make a thing better

    2- In 1800, the population of London was around 1 million and in 1900, the population increased to 5 million.

    3-In the streets of london there was a lot of poverty

    4-Because a lot of people couldn't pay for the water.

    5-Because they were like a prison for the poor.

    Railways connecting London to the rest of Britain, as well as the London Underground was built, as were roads, a modern sewer system and many famous sites

    I couldn't find more information

    1. That's fantastic work Sara! You have done really well :).
      Your facts are very interesting too!

  2. 1-answer
    1.Increased: Do higher a quantity.
    2.Poverty:Shortage of what is necessary for live.
    3.Crime: Murder.
    4.Street robbery and pickpocketing: Persons that steal to another in the street.
    5.Chimneys: Part of a house where smoke comes out.
    6.Soot: Black subtance that forms smoke.
    7.Contaminated: Altering the enviroment with harmful subtances.
    8.Prison: PLace where the condemned are.
    9.Government: Set of people who run a country.
    10.Improve: Make one thing better.
    2-The population increased 4 millions of persons between 1800 and 1900.
    3-There were poverty, crimes and pollution.
    4-Because they hadn´t potable water.
    5-Because they were like a prison for poors.

  3. Important facts were the railway, the sewerage that helped for the potable water and built monuments like Trafalagar Square, Big-Ben and Victoria and Albert Museum.

  4. I´m Alberto no my sister Paula.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. hi Leah I'm Ángel: increased: is when the level of a thing go up. poverty: is when a people don't have house,food...crime: is when a person do a bad thing.street robbery and pickpocketing:is like a bad person that stole coin purse. chimneys: is a tube that release dust. contaminated : is a thing that the cars release. prison: is like a jell. government: is the person that send in the town. improve: the person have best things

  7. Marcos García-Rama
    1- Increased: when something increases
    Poverty: when someone has nothing
    Crime: when someone commits a robbery and pickpocketing on the street
    Chimneys: A device that expels smoke
    Soot: smoke caused by pollution
    Contaminated: Caused by pollution
    Prison: Site where criminals are locked up
    Government: The body that runs a country
    Improve: Make something better

    2-Population increased 4 millions
    3-Streets were very important and espectacular.
    4-Because there were no sources
    5-Because workhouses were like a prison for the poor

  8. Hi Leah, I'm Daniela of 6A
    1. Increased:Is when the level of a thing go up.
    Poverty: Is when the people don't have food, house, money.
    Crime: Is when a person do a bad thing.
    Street robbery and pickpocketing: Is a bad person that stole coin purse.
    Chimneys:Is a tube that release the firewood smoke.
    Contaminated: Is the plastics and gases emitted by factories and cars.
    Prison: Is a place where people who have done something wrong go.
    Government: Is the person that send in the town.
    Improve: Is when a person have a better thigh
    2. In 1800, the population of London was around 1 million and in 1900, the population increased to 5 millions.
    3. In the streets of London there was a lot of poverty
    4. Because they don't had potable water
    5. Because they were like a prision for poors.

    -19th century London was transformed with the arrival of the railway. A new railway network allowed the development of suburbs in neighboring counties, from which the middle and upper class of society will travel to the center.

    -The first railway line to be built in London was the London Bridge to Greenwich line, which opened in 1836.
    This continued with the opening of large railway terminals linking London to almost every corner of Britain. Theses stations include Euston Station, Ferchurch Street Station and many more
    -One of the most famous events in London in the 19th century was the Great Exhibition of 1851.
    This exhibition took place at the Crystal Palace, and the fair attracted numerous visitors from all over the world, showing Great Britain at the top of its imperial domain

    1. Daniela, this is great work! You have clearly researched the topic well :) Well done!

  9. This is brilliant research Sergio!! Good job :)

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. Remember everyone, we say 'million' not 'millions'.

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. 1.Increased:make greater. Poverty: when people haven´t got anything. Crime:_when somebody do something illegal. Street robbery: when somebody steal in the Street. Pickpocketing:people tan steal. Chimneys:where smoke go out. Contaminated: When there are pollution.
    Soot: smoke produced by pollution. Prison:where prisoners are lock up.
    Goverment: people who leads a city,country.. Improve: to do better something.

    2.4 millón

    3.Lot of poverty and crime.

    4. Because people were poor.

    5. Because they were like a prison.

  14. Hello,I´m Mara :)
    1.-Increased: become or make greater in size, amount, or degree
    Poverty: the state of being extremely poor.
    Crime: an action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law.
    Street robbery and pickpoketing: the action of taking property unlawfully from a person
    or place by force or threat of force.
    Chimeneys: a vertical channel or pipe which conducts smoke and combustion gases up from
    a fire or furnace and typically through the roof of a building
    Soot: a deep black powdery or flaky substance consisting largely of amorphous carbon,
    produced by the incomplete burning of organic matter
    Contaminated: having been made impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or
    polluting substance
    Prison: a building in which people are legally held as a punishment for a crime they
    have committed or while awaiting trial
    Government: the group of people with the authority to govern a country or state; a
    particular ministry in office
    Improve: make or become better.
    2.-The population increased to 5 million.
    3.-The streets became dangerous and dirty and there were a lot of poverty.
    4.-Because they didn´t have money and they couldn´t pay for water.
    5.-Because they were like a prison for the poor.

    1. Mara this a brilliant response! Your answers are perfect! :)
      Well done!!!

  15. 1. increased:when one thing is go in more and more
    poverty:when a person don´t have any money
    crime: is when a person do something bad like atracc a bank
    street robbery snd pickpoketing : a type os robber in the streets
    chimney: a conduct were fire heated the house
    soot: the subtance made by polution
    contaminated: when something is polute
    prision: the palce were criminals are
    Government: people who run a country
    Improve: a thing that goes better

    2. the population incresed 5 million
    3. in the streets of london there were very much poverty
    4. the people drunk in the river becouse they don´t have money to pay water
    5. Because they were like a prision for poors
    abaut facts I don´t found information sorry leah :(
    thanks for read me
    one kiss,Elisa of 6ºA

    1. Don't worry Elisa! Well done for completing the questions :)
      Well done!

  16. 1 Increased. Increase population.
    Poverty. Who has few resources to live .
    Crime. Murder crime.
    Street robbery and pickpocketing. person who steal people`s wallets.
    Chimeneys. Bertical duct to vent funnes.
    Contaminated. Act of polluting.
    Prision. Place where the condemened.
    Goverment. People that is goverment.
    Improve. Makes a cause better than it was.
    Soot. Fime black subtance that forms somoke when it comes out.
    2. 5 Millons.
    3. The streets are poverty .
    4. Because they are poverty.
    5. Because are a prision to the poverty person.
    6.1. French revolution mary war. (1.789 / 1.802).
    2.Napoleomic war (1.803/ 1.815).
    3. War of Spanish independence(1.808 /1.814)

    Cristina Lozano Díaz 5B

    1. Good job Cristina! Well done for finding some extra facts too! :)

  17. hello Leah I am Gianmarco I send yuo my work.

    1) Increased: Increase or make bigger
    2) Poverty: great economic shortage or lackof what is neccesary
    3) Crime: action that consist of committing a crime
    4) Street robbery and pickpoketing: person who rob in the street
    5) Chimneys: conduct that exits the factory smoke
    6) Contaminated: harmful substance set
    7) Prison: building where the person who has committed a crime is locked
    8) Government: set a person and body that run a country
    9) Improve : make a thing better than it was

    The population of London was around 1million in 1900, the population increased to 5 million

    The street of Londres were very poor

    Because the people is a very poverty

    because the workhouses were like a prison for the poor.

    1. Well done Gianmarco! Good job on finding the definitions and answering the questions :)

  18. Well done Nerea! Especially for number 5 - writing that 'the government wanted to improve poverty'.
    You have worked well to find some very interesting facts! Good job! :)

  19. 1) Increased;It is when something become greater in size, amount or deegre.
    2)poverty; Is when the people don't have food, house, money
    3) It is a action that criminals do
    4)Street robbery and pickpoketing: is when someone steals someone´s wallet in the midle of the street but whit discreetly.
    5) Chimneys:a fireplace is a few sticks and fire, which serves to give us cold in the winter and more.
    6)Contaminated:when something is polute
    7)prision:is the place of the criminals are.
    8)Government: people who run a country
    9) Improve:Make one thing better

    2: 5 million
    3: In the streets of london there was a lot of poverty
    4:Because they hadn´t potable water.
    5:Because they were like a prison for the poor.


  20. 1.
    1-Increased:that something is increased.
    2-Poverty:that have few resources.
    3-Crime:when one pearsone kills another.
    4-Street robbery and pickopcketing:that something is stolen frome someone.
    5-Chimneys:smoke pipe.
    6-Soot:black, fine and greasy substance.
    7-Contaminated:when there are a bad substance in the air.
    8-Prison:where are the peoplewho have commited a crime.
    9-Goverment:set of people who governor direct a division.
    10-Improve:make a thing better than it was.

    2.5 millions.
    3.they were poor streets where many crimes were commited.
    4.because they had no money to drink water.
    5.because they were like prisons for the poor.

    Rubén 6A
