miércoles, 3 de junio de 2020

Let's Talk about Space!

Choose three of the following questions / sentences to answer / talk about:

Name as many planets as you can in English.

Have you ever looked through a telescope? What did you see?

Do you think there is other life in the universe? What kind of life? What would aliens look like?

Do you think we will ever communicate with intelligent aliens? When and how will this happen?

Would it be a good idea to build a permanent base on the moon? Why or why not?

Would you like to be an astronaut? Explain why or why not.

Do you think people will ever take holidays in space? Describe how you think this will work.

How big is the universe? How and when was it created?

How long would it take to travel to another galaxy?

What is your favourite sci-fi movie or TV show? Tell the plot.

Should money be spent on space programmes while there is still so much poverty on Earth? Explain your point of view.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Leah!
    Name as many planets as you can in English:
    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Júpiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

    Do you think there is other life in the universe? What kind of life? What would aliens look like?:
    I think that there is another life in the universe, that is more advance and more intelligent than humans . An alien type of life. They looks like different : they have an eye for a head and communicate telepathically ;they also have a pistol-like hand and a purple tentacle on the other arm ;they eat with a mouth that they have in theirs stomach and six tentacles as legs. I hope that if they exist they will be friendly…

    Would you like to be an astronaut? Explain why or why not.
    No, because it´s very dangerus and the time in space goes slower than on Earth and I would miss many things. But I would like to feel the feeling of not having gravity!

    1. Really good responses Nico! 😊 I agree - aliens would be able to communicate telepathically! Well done for including different opinions.

  2. Hello Leah, I am Marcos García-Rama of 5B

    Name as many planets as you can in English.
    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Marths, Saturn.

    Have you ever looked through a telescope? What did you see?
    Yes I have. I saw the moon.

    Would it be a good idea to build a permanent base on the moon? Why or why not?
    Yes, because the astronauts can stand there instead of the spaceship.

    Bye bye

  3. Excellent responses Sergio! Really well done. I particularly like your answer to number 3 😊
