lunes, 8 de junio de 2020

Zombies Don't Eat Veggies!

Happy Monday young readers!

Today I would like you to read along and watch the video of "Zombies Don't Eat Veggies!"

This book is fun and and funny, and has some Spanish words too! Because the family in the story speak both Spanish and English. 

In the comments below: Summarize the story in English.
In the end, the reader says "Don't forget to be authentic", what do you think that means? 
Did you like the story? Why?

Don't forget to put together your time capsule and send a picture of you with it to if you would like me to add it to the blog :). 

7 comentarios:

  1. Hi Ellie,
    This is my summary: Mo is a different zombie. His parents like brains, fingers and zombie food, but he likes vegetables. His parents tell him that he has to eat zombie food, but he doesn't like this food. He loves carrots, spinach, cucumbers, cabbage, and all vegetables. One day he makes a tomato soup because it is red and it´s like blood, but his parents don't like this soup and get angry. He tells them he's a different zombie because he likes vegetables. His parents accept it and eat some vegetables.
    The reader says "Don't forget to be authentic" because Mo likes vegetables and doesn't like zombie food he tells his parents and he doesn't eat because he doesn´t like
    I like this story because Mo was different from the other zombies.
    Have a nice day! 😊

  2. Hello Ellie,
    I like the story of zombies because it is funny.

    The story is about a zombie who likes to eat vegetables and their parents don't want to eat vegetables because they eat zombie food: eyes, arms, rice with spleens, cake brain but for their son they accept to eat vegetables.

    With this story I have learned that it is very important to accept people as they are.

    Have a good afternoon!!
    Bye, Bye

  3. Hello Ellie
    Here is the summarize of the zombies don't eat veggies:
    There was a family of zombies.The parens don't like veggies,but his son like veggies.One day the son prepare Gaspacho the parens tasted and said than they liked.Then the parens was very angry to his son. Then when the parens like a little more the veggies,the family open his market of veggies.
    Then I like when the boy do gaspacho,because I learn to do gaspacho.
    I thing than we need to be authentic,because we don't need to do things than all the peoples do.


  4. Hello Elli my name is Sara💜
    Because the story says that he is a zombie he loves vegetables.
    Well the zombie loved vegetables but mother and father hated them because they were zombie.
    But the zombie loved it and never wanted to take aways his dreams and leave the vegetables behind.
    It was a day he thought about,
    came up like a tomato soup.
    But the parents thought it was 5 brains.
    But suddenly he devoured his eyes and his head do you say.
    And the family did not like it at all but the body loved the boy.
    Zombie charm.
    But they already understood the charm of vegetables and the father and mother already knew.
    Bye Elli and kisses


  5. Hi Elli my name is YAASSMIN
    The story tells that a zombie loves vegetables
    ONCE there was a zombie who loved vegetables but his family hated him and the zombie not otherwise loved .
    The zombie was trying to make his father and mother like the vegetables but l Do not follow his father
    and mother who did not like the
    Vegetables and was very angry whit the zombie
    but one day the zombie came up whit a very cool idea he trough of a tomato soup to make him think there are 5
    And the mother and father through they were 5 brains and he was very proud of the zombie he said wow what a delicios food but he was very unlycky they ate him and boom his eyes and his head
    broke but the mother and they alreidy began to eat them well and this has Been whith everthing they ate happily and they ate partridges
    By ELLI
    And big hug

  6. Hello Ellie. I am Ágatha.
    This story is about a family of zombies. The zombies eat eyes, arms, cake brain. The son doesn't like eat this things. He want to eat vegetables. But his father and his mother don't want. But at the end his family eat vegetables.
    I like the story because at first the family is angry with the son but at the end everybody is happy.
    Bye bye❤️❤️❤️


