viernes, 1 de mayo de 2020

Happy May Day!

A History of May Day

May Day is on the 1st of May and we celebrate it with a bank holiday. May Day highlights the time when the weather is beginning to get warmer after a cold winter. It has been celebrated for over 2000 years.

Purple Lilac Wild Flowers In A Spring Meadow On A Sunny May Day ...

Many years ago people would celebrate by dancing in their villages, having archery competitions and competitions of strength. 

What is Maypole Dancing? | May day traditions, Morris dancing, Beltane

You may now also see some Morris dancing. It is a form of English folk dance usually accompanied by music. Morris dancers dress in different bright costumes. They dance to lively music and shake handkerchiefs and bang sticks together.


Couldn't imagine seeing Morris dancers in the USA! | Morris ...

In the past, folks would crown a pretty girl May Queen. She would sit in a flowery chair and watch the dancers. 

Queen of the May | Found image. Lovely photograph of the que… | Flickr

How do people in Spain usually celebrate May Day? Find some interesting facts and comment below 😊

8 comentarios:

  1. Hi leah
    Yesterday was the employee day, was a festive day, but we don´t celebrate the may day here in spain.
    One kiss, Elisa of 6ºA

  2. Hi Leah, i´m Miriam of 6A

    Here it is celebrated every year but with the name: "the day of the worker" only that here we do not dance or celebrate it like this, we celebrate it by staying home with our families

  3. hi Leah im Paula from 6b
    In spain we celebrate the day of the worker in this day some people do demonstrations to claim teres rights.
    See you son bye.

  4. Hi Leah.
    I am Marcos García-Rama Romano
    That day there is a very large demonstration.
    is the day of the worker.
    Good bye Leah.

  5. Hi Leah I´m Alberto of 6A.

    In Spain, on the first day of May, we celebrate Labor Day. That day people don´t go to work and there are demonstrations. May 1 was chosen in commemoration of the Chicago Martyrs, wich was a group of anarchist unionists who were executed in Chicago for claiming the 8-hour workday.


  6. Hi!! Leah
    I´m Irene from 6ºB
    In Spain , on fist day of may , we celebrate labor day , we don´t celebrate this day with dance or thinks like this ,.

    Kiss Irene

  7. Hi Leah!
    Here in Spain the first day of May we celebrate the Labor Day. It´s a national holiday. Also there are some regions in Spain, like Cordoba where they celebrate this May Day called ¨the crosses of may¨ :it´s a popular contest where people decorate with flowers big crosses in differents places of the city and the best is awarded.

  8. Great responses everyone, well done! 😊
