lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

Creative Writing: Creating your Own Moral Story

As you know Oliver Twist has many morals in the story. 

I would like you to choose from one of the morals below and create your own story.

  • Even the strongest need help from the weak.
  • You don’t need to be strong to win.
  • Appearances can be deceptive.
  • If you lie to people, then no one will believe you when you tell the truth.
  • Money is not the most important thing in life.

Don’t forget:

  • To think about your characters - describe them.
  • To think about the setting of your story – describe the location.
  • To include a beginning, middle and end.
  • To use connectives – and, but, so, because
  • To use full stops and commas (and even brackets).
  • To write your story in the past – check your verbs!

Please, write 50 words minimum.

The Story Spine: Pixar's 4th Rule of Storytelling

Have fun! 😊

13 comentarios:


    1. Very good idea! 😊
      Remember to keep all of your verbs in the past:
      have - had
      are - was
      think - thought
      can - could
      send - sent

  2. Hi Leah i´m Miriam of 6A:
    One day some girls named Zoe and Yuki were playing the guitar and singing together, Zoe had long black hair with turquoise tips, and one light red and one brown eye, Yuki had long hair, very dark brown and dark purple tips. green eyes with freckles and glasses. The next day they went to school, Zoe went to her class and Yuki was going to enter behind, when they took her by the arm and took her away, bullying her for wearing glasses and getting good grades, her classmates started yelling at her: "You are a loser you are useless for nothing!
    Yuki run from school and went home again, in the afternoon he cut his hair by the shoulders, put on contact lenses and grabbed his hair with a ponytail and changed his clothes to something more e-girl or teenager for that matter. say it. When he returned to class he went to the cafeteria he took a cake and went to the group of bullys and smashed the cake in their faces. Yuki looked at them and said, "Just because I was wearing a dress, glasses, and so on did not mean I was weak, appearances are deceiving, and next time I will use your intelligence to think that nobody is a loser or a loser"

    1. Very nice idea Miriam, you have understood well! 😊
      Well done!

  3. Once upon a time ther were two men in a small village: the strongest of the village called Henry and the weakest one called Steven. One day, Henry challenged Steven in a running to laugh at him, but when Henry was about to win, he fell down into a big hole, and Steven fell too. Henry tried to go out of there,but he couldn't despite
    his strenght.So Steven had an idea: he told Henry to throw him off to the hole (because he was very thin).So Henry did it and Steven went out of the hole and went out to fin help.Finally everybody in the village helped Henry to exit. Henry realized that it is not all to be strong. MORAL:EVEN THE STRONGEST NEEDS HELP FROM THE WEAK

    1. Excellent moral story Nico! You have created a very good story, well done 😊

  4. This story is mine,I am Nico of 5A

  5. I'm Nico an other time , my story is the story of Henry and Steven

  6. Hi leah
    One upon a time there was a family, they lived in a little twon called calocha. The little brother was 15 years old his name was Alvaro, he had curly,mess and long hair, the hair was black blue and blue light with turquoise tips, he had one eye turquoise light and the other blue light. Cristal was the middle sister, she is the twin of Alvaro, she had long, black blue, blue light with turquoise tips hair, she had one eye tourquese light and the other blue light. Alba was the older Sister, she was 16 years old, she had long, black, black blue with black tips hair, she had one eye turquoise light and the other blue light. The mother was 37 years old and her name was Haru (is a japanese name, Haru means spring), she had long, curly, purple, green with Blue tips hair, her eyes were red light and she use glases. The father had 39 years old his name was Jack, he had short, blue, yellow hair with white tips, his eyes were green.

    One day they had to move to the city becouse Jack had an other work better than the other, Cristal and Alvaro were sad becouse they miss their friends, Alba was sad too becouse she miss her boyfriend. When they arrived to their new house they put the furnituire, the bedroom of Alvaro and Cristal was big, with two desks, they had a wardoble very big and they had a bunk, the room of Alba was big, with a wardoble, a desk, with natural light, with a terrace and with a bed, the room of the faters was little with a desk and a laptor and of course with a big bed. One day Cristal went to her new school, there was a lot of childrens but Cristal only saw a boy that was rich and beautiful. Cristal went to talk to the boy, “hi, I´m new in this school. Can you be my guide?” “oh of curse” They boy guide Cristal to all the school. At the exit of the school they talk in the bus of the school “What´s your name?” “My name is Ghaph, and you?” “My name is Cristal, can you pass me your whassapp?” “of course” “I think that we will bery good friends”.

    When Cristal and Alvaro arrived to house they went to do their homework, when they finisshed their homework Cristal talk in whassapp with Ghaph. They talk abaout their family, their favourites hobiess and foods... But Cristal tell to Ghaph that she want to be more than friends, Ghaph said to Cristal that he was feeling the same that she, and they were boyfriends. Cristal tell to her brother, Alvaro that Ghaph was her boyfriend, “But... Why? You have been in that school one day, you don´t know how is he... I don´t understand you” Cristal don´t listen to Alvaro becouse she think that Alvaro was wrong with his opinion.

    The next day Cristal went to school but Ghaph started putting her down, Ghaph was said that she was Useless and that she was a losser of his loved. Cristal was very sad and was so sorry for don´t listen to Alvaro.

    The moral of this story is that the appearances can be deceptive
    I hope that you liked this moral story
    One kiss, Elisa of 6ºA

    1. Well done Elisa 😊 I can see you have put a lot of thought and effort in to this story. There are some good descriptions and you have chosen a good moral!
      Keep up the good work!

  7. Hi Leah I´m Alberto of 6A.

    Two differents spies.

    Once upon a time in a old house where a old man lived, he was crazy and something was always hidden in his sleeve. The other day he was burying something or someone in his garden. We who lived with thet old man can do nothing to get rid of he. But the president hired two spies. One was very thin and loose but the other was strong and resistant.
    They went to that crazy old man´s house. Jack that was the thin and loose man pass throught a ventilation duct that it was left with the exterior of the house. Jack enter and open the door to Sam that was the strong ant resistant man. They were inside the house and started to investigated. Sam found a a shovel in a narrow gap next to the closet. This is a work of Jack. He stretched out his hand and no matter how much, he stretched it it did not fit him, so Sam with his strength managed to moved the wardrobe a little and they managed to took the shovel. They went to the garden and they dug where they claimed to have saw that old man dig. Shrimp and shrimp and they hit on something. It was a machine capable to killed five thousabd of men at the same time!!!!!! The took the machine and ran faster, that old man was very very crazy. Suddenly a sharp and at the same time deep voice said: What are you doing in my garden I going to kill you. Oh my god said Jack. They ran and ran until leaved that crazy man´s garden. They destroyed the machine and they went to tell the president everything. This was another mission accomplished from those spies.
    If Jack had not been with Sam they would not have completed the mission and if Sam had not been with Jack they would not have been able to complete the mission.
    The moral is even the strongest need help from the weak.

    I hope that you liked.
    Kisses. Alberto of 6A.

    1. Very nice idea Alberto and good choice of moral 😊
      Well done!

  8. Very good story Sergio! 😊 You have understood well, well done!
