viernes, 17 de abril de 2020

The Final Chapter

I hope you enjoy the ending 😊

Oliver knew that Mr Brownlow lived in London. He wanted to see him again. He asked Rose, "Can we visit Mr Brownlow?" "Yes, I want to meet Mr Brownlow," Rose said. Oliver was very happy. Rose wanted to tell him Nancy's secret. She knew he was a good man. Oliver was extremely happy when he saw Mr Brownlow and Mrs Bedwin. After a while, Rose said, "Mr Brownlow, can I talk to you alone?" Rose told Mr Brownlow about Nancy's visit. "What cruel people!" said Mr Brownlow. "Only Nancy can help us," said Rose. "But we must wait until Sunday night." 

It was eleven o'clock on Sunday night. Sikes and Fagin heard the church bell. Nancy heard it too. "I’m going out," said Nancy. She put on her hat and left. Fagin looked at Sikes and said, "One of my boys can follow her!" It was a very foggy night. Nancy went to London Bridge and met Rose and Mr Brownlow. Fagin's boy followed Nancy and hid behind some steps. He listened to everything. Mr Brownlow said to Nancy, "We are here to help Oliver. We must find Monks." "You can find Monks at the Red Lion Hotel in King Street. He is tall and wears a black coat. He has black hair and a cruel face,” replied Nancy.
Nancy (Oliver Twist) - Wikiwand 

Fagin's boy ran to tell Fagin and Sikes everything. Fagin was furious. His eyes were red and his face was white. He was afraid of prison and death. Sikes hated Nancy because she wanted to help Oliver. "I want to kill Nancy!" cried Sikes. So, he took his pistol and went to kill Nancy. Suddenly, he heard voices outside. "Murderer!" Sikes went to the window. He saw people with torches in front of the house. They saw his face at the window. "There he is!" they cried. "The murderer! Let's catch him! Let's break the door!" Sikes was afraid. He thought about prison and death. "I must escape from the roof on the river side". But it was very dark. Sikes lost his balance and fell to the street. Sikes was dead! 

The Last Chance [The End of Sikes]," twenty-second plate for ...

Mr Brownlow went to the Red Lion Hotel and found Monks! He took him to Miss Maylie's house and locked him in a room. "I know a lot about you and your criminal friends. You have a brother called Oliver," said Mr Brownlow. “I know your family history. You are Oliver's half-brother. You have the same father, but not the same mother. Your mother was bad. She left your father. He then met and loved a beautiful girl called Agnes. One day he went to Rome for work. Before he went, he told me about Agnes. In Rome your father became ill and died.” Monks face was white. He was very nervous. “Sign your name on this piece of paper. It tells the truth about Oliver and his father. It gives Oliver's money from his father back to him. Sign it, Monks, and you are free," said Mr Brownlow. He was silent for a while. Then he said, "Give me that paper. I want to sign it." Monks read the paper and signed it. 

Later, the police found Fagin and put him in prison. Fagin was hanged for all his crimes. Monks went to America and died in prison there. 

Fagin" by Charles Pears — fourth illustration for "The Adventures ... 

Mr Brownlow adopted Oliver. He, Mrs Bedwin and Oliver went to live in a lovely house in the country. They were very happy together. Their house was near the Maylies’ house. As Oliver grew up, Mr Brownlow taught him many things. Oliver loved his new family very much. After all his adventures, Oliver finally found a loving family, true friends and a comfortable home.

Mrs. Bedwin | Oliver Twist-Charles Dickens Wiki | Fandom

So, what’s the moral?
A moral is a lesson about what is right or wrong, which you can learn from a story. 
What do you think the moral is in Oliver Twist?

13 comentarios:

  1. Hi Leah!
    I think that the moral in Oliver Twist is: it depends on how you act the reward will come. If you are a good person, you will have good things, but if you do bad things you will not be happy in all your life

  2. Hi Leah I´m Alberto of 6A.

    I think that the moral is if you are a bad person then everything will go wrong but if you are a good person you will do well.
    I think that the moral of Oliver is good because he was a good boy and that´s why he has a managed to live with someone who lives him.

    1. Fantastic response Alberto! 😊 Well done, I think you understood the story very well.

  3. Hi Leah
    In my opinion this book shows that in life you have to do what you would like to be done to you.
    And of course, what happens to you in life is how you act.
    this book is incredible.

    1. Well done Ángel 😊 a fantastic response. I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

  4. Hi leah, I´m Miriam of 6A
    Well the moral is, you don't have to do what you wouldn't like to be done to you. I like the book, since it has a lot of drama and as tension and it is mysterious at times, it is very cool.

    1. Well done Miriam, you are right 😊 I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

  5. Hi leah
    The moral of this book is that if you are bad sooner or later you will have your punishment
    I´m Elisa of 6ºA

  6. Hello Leah. I am Marcos of 5ºA.
    Oliver lived with bad people but he decided to change his life and look for a new form of life.

  7. That's a brilliant response Nerea! Really well done 😊 I think you understood the story very well.

  8. Really good Sergio 😊 you have made an excellent point here! Well done, I think you understood the story very well.
