martes, 21 de abril de 2020

Semicolons; Use them Wisely

What is a semicolon?

A semicolon is a punctuation mark that is used to separate pieces of information in a sentence.

Semicolons, Cupcakes, and Cucumbers Punctuation Emoticon Smiley ...

Rule number 1:

1. It is used to separate two independent clauses that share the same theme.

E.g. I went to see a movie with friends last week; we went to see the film for Sarah’s birthday. 

Rule number 2:

2. It is used to separate items in a list when each item has separate features. 

E.g. I went to the store and I needed to buy some crispy, chicken wings; a bunch of round, red apples; and some cold, semi-skimmed milk.

Activity 1:

1. Copy the following sentences, adding in semicolons where they are needed.

a.) I wanted to go get my hair cut it was clear that my hair was way too long. 
b.) You need to try this new video game additionally you need to get a computer upgrade to run it. 
c.) At school you need to have sharp colouring pencils multiple working pens and a complete maths set to be successful.

Activity 2:

2. Now we need to practice using the semicolon in some writing. Write a paragraph talking about a time you visited another place.

Have fun! 😊

11 comentarios:

  1. Hi leah
    a)I wanted to go, get my hair cut; it was clear that my hair was too long
    b)You need to try this new video game; additionally you need to get a computer upgrade to run it
    c)At school you need to have sharp colouring pencils; multiple working pens and a complete maths set to be successful

    In summer I go to my twon; I play with my friends; I go to my grandmother´s house; I go to the swiming pool and I go to urban camp of the twon
    One kiss, Elisa 6ºA

    1. Great effort Elisa!
      Don't forget you can put a semicolon before 'and'.
      For example in c:
      c) At school you need to have sharp colouring pencils; multiple working pens; and a complete maths set to be successful.

  2. Hi Leah i´m Miriam of 6A:

    -I wanted to go get my hair; cut it was clear that my hair was too long.
    -You need to try this new video game additionally ; you need to get a computer upgrade to run it.
    -At school you need to have sharp; colouring pencils multiple working pens and a complete maths set to be successful.

    - When I went to Rome to see; the colosseum, the roman forum and the trevi fountain

    1. Great effort Miriam!
      Don't forget to put the semicolon before 'additionally' and before 'and'.
      b) You need to try this new video game; additionally you need to get a computer upgrade to run it.
      c) At school you need to have sharp colouring pencils; multiple working pens; and a complete maths set to be successful.

      Look at your sentence again. How about:
      - When I went to Rome I saw: the colosseum, which was so cool; the roman forum, which was amazing; and the breath-taking trevi fountain.

  3. Hi Leah. I am Marcos García-Rama 5ºB
    Activity 1.
    a.) I wanted to go get my hair cut; it was clear that my hair was way too long.
    b.) You need to try this new video game; additionally you need to get a computer upgrade to run it.
    c.) At school you need to have sharp colouring pencils; multiple working pens and a complete maths set to be successful.
    Activity 2.
    I went to Teruel with my uncle, my mother's brother; also my friend Marcos and his family went with us. We visited the Torico square, where there was a monument of a bull; we went to museum, where there were the mummies of "Los amantes de Teruel"; and we went to a luxury restaurant, with very good food.
    Bye bye

    1. Great effort Marcos!
      Don't forget you can put a semicolon before 'and'.
      For example in c:
      c) At school you need to have sharp colouring pencils; multiple working pens; and a complete maths set to be successful.
      Good individual example 😊

  4. hi leah! I´m Nico of 5A
    a.) I wanted to go get my hair cut; it was clear that my hair was way too long.
    b.) You need to try this new video game; additionally you need to get a computer upgrade to run it.
    c.) At school you need to have sharp colouring pencils; multiple working pens and a complete maths set to be successful.
    activity 2:
    Last week I visited Toledo with my famly; we were in many interesting places. We ate in a famous restaurant; I eat a lot: first I ate salad and fried potatoes; I drank Nestea and wáter; and in the dessert i ate a big chocolate cake with an ice-cream and some fruit.

    1. Great effort Nico!
      Don't forget you can put a semicolon before 'and'.
      For example in c:
      c) At school you need to have sharp colouring pencils; multiple working pens; and a complete maths set to be successful.
      Good individual example 😊 well done!

  5. Hi Leah I´m Alberto of 6A.

    A) I wanted to go get my hair cut; it was clear that my hair was way too long.
    B) You need to try this new videogame; additionally you need to get a computer upgrade to run it.
    C) At school you need to have sharp colouring pencils; multiple working pens and a complete maths set to be successfull.

    I was at Madrigal and I saw a very big church; I was in a park that had a lot of sources; I ate in a good restaurant and I took a lot of animals.


    1. Great effort Alberto!
      Don't forget you can put a semicolon before 'and'.
      For example in c:
      c) At school you need to have sharp colouring pencils; multiple working pens; and a complete maths set to be successful.
      Also, well done for writing your own sentence with semicolons 😊!

  6. This is a perfect response Sergio! Well done! 😊
