miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

Were you Right? The Penultimate Part of the Story

What happens next?

Let’s see if you were right. Here is the penultimate part of the story, Oliver Twist.

I hope you enjoy it 😊

When Oliver arrived at Mr Brownlow's house, he was very ill. He almost died. Mr Brownlow's housekeeper took care of him. Her name was Mrs Bedwin. She and Mr Brownlow were very kind to the little boy. A long time passed and Oliver was finally well. Mr Brownlow and Mrs Bedwin loved little Oliver. For the first time in his life, Oliver was happy. He liked his new home very much. 

Birth of Oliver Twist where he is very sick and his mother dies ...

One sunny day, Mr Brownlow said, "Oliver, can you please take these books to the bookshop? Give this £5 note to the man in the shop." Oliver took the books and the money and walked happily down the street. Just then a big man, Bill Sykes, arrived and pulled Oliver to Fagin's shop. “Please return these books and the £5 note to Mr Brownlow. He mustn't think I am a thief," cried Oliver. Everyone laughed at Oliver. Oliver ran to the door. Fagin hit Oliver with a big stick. A girl, Nancy, screamed "Don't hit the boy again!" Then Fagin locked Oliver in a dark room. It was night time at Mr Brownlow's house. He and Mrs Bedwin waited for Oliver all night, but he never came home. Mr Brownlow was very sad and worried. Where was Oliver?

The next night, Fagin went to see Bill Sikes. "I want to talk about a big house outside London. There are many precious things to steal! It's perfect!" He was very excited. "But it will be difficult. There's one small window at the back. Only a small boy can enter." Fagin thought and then said "Oliver is the boy for you!"

After some time, Oliver and Sikes arrived in the country and saw a big country house. Oliver understood their terrible plan. He said, "Please let me go! I don't want to steal.” Sikes opened the small window at the back of the house. Then he put a pistol to Oliver's head and said, “Go in through this small window. Then go to the front door. Open it and we will enter the house. Remember, I'm watching you and I have a pistol!"


Oliver went in through the window. Suddenly there was a light. Oliver saw two men at the top of the stairs. There was a loud noise, a light and some smoke from a pistol. Oliver felt a terrible pain! He was terrified and ran back to the small window. "Oliver is hurt," said Sikes. Oliver was very cold, and then he saw and heard no more. Sikes left Oliver in the garden. He ran away. Two men and their dogs followed him. They were servants of the country house. They didn't see Oliver's body. Oliver stayed on the cold, wet ground all night.

Charles Dickens Illustrations for Oliver Twist

The next morning, it was raining. Oliver woke up and got up slowly. He saw the country house, went to the door and fell to the ground. In the evening, Oliver woke up after a long sleep. He told the people from the house the story of his sad life. He also told them about Mr Brownlow. The ladies took care of him. They were gentle and kind. Oliver slowly got better. He went for walks and listened to one of the girls, Rose, playing the piano. He loved Rose and the older woman, Mrs Maylie, with all his heart. 

One afternoon, a tall man with an angry face came to see Fagin. He wore a black coat. His name was Monks. Fagin and Monks went to the other room but the young girl, Nancy, listened quietly at the door. She heard terrible things. She was very unhappy. The next night she ran across London to find Rose. "My name is Nancy. I must tell you a terrible secret. I want to save Oliver," Nancy said to Rose. Nancy told Rose about Monks and Fagin. "Monks is a bad man. He knows you are here with Oliver. Oliver is in big danger. Monks wants his brother to die!" "His brother!" exclaimed Rose. "Yes, Oliver is Monks' half-brother. I heard Monks say!” replied Nancy. "This is terrible! What can I do to help Oliver?" asked Rose. “We must save Oliver," replied Nancy. "Meet me on London Bridge on Sunday night, between eleven and midnight. I must go now." 

Nancy confesses to Rose that it was her who kidnapped Oliver from ...

11 comentarios:

  1. Hi i´m Miriam. (of 6A) this is the Penultimate part of the history:
    Then at night Nancy and Rose stayed on the bridge, they made a plan. They went for Oliver and went to the police, they explained their plan to them and then they all went home again. The next day Monks and Fagin went with Oliver and went to a room, Monks took out a pistol and pointed the boy with the gun. Fagin looked at Oliver smiling and suddenly the police kicked the door open, and with them were Nancy and Rose. Monks surprised and with a face of dread looked at Fagin and said: You said that nobody would come here! it's your fault! Monks took aim at Fagin and shot him several times, the police took him and Nancy, Rose and Oliver called a doctor to help Fagin. A few days later Fagin woke up in pain, got up and went with the others, went to Oliver and hugged him, apologizing for everything he had done and from there were friends. And over Monks he was imprisoned for 2 years. The end.

    1. Wow! This would make an excellent ending to the story! Good job Miriam! 😊😊😊

  2. hi leah
    Nancy and Rose stayed on the bridge and came up with a plan. They went to rescue Oliver, but when they arrived, Oliver had disappeared from where they left him. They called the police to look for him but when they found him he was dead, they all cried and went to his funeral. finish
    one kiss, Elis aof 6ºA (I want to know the next part of the story)

    1. Well done Elisa! An excellent ending, even if it is a sad one 😊

  3. Hi Leah

    I did not put that
    But this story is also very good

  4. Hi Leah!
    Next part:
    Nacy and Rose finally met in London Bridgde and decided to tell Oliver all that Nancy knew. When Oliver understtood all, run to the police station and said everything to the police officer, but Monks was behind him and tried to shoot him, but the pólice officer help Oliver and arrested Monks.Oliver returned with Rose and Mrs Maylie to their house.
    After days, Oliver went to the prison to visit his half brother Monks. Monks asked for forfiveness Oliver and also told him that he must be careful because Fagin was still trying to kill him.

  5. Hi Leah I´m Alberto Of 6A.
    The next part of the story:

    Nancy and Rose met on the bridge and worried thought, what can they did with OLiver?
    Nancy said.- We need to take him away so they don´t find him.
    An old Lady that was walking on the street saw the two worried women. She approached and asked.-What happen? Nancy told her everything that had happened.
    The old lady said.- I can stayed with him, that Fagin guy won´t know that Oliver is with me. Rose and Nancy thought that is a good idea and Oliver went with that lady.
    She took food and water to Oliver and he lived happily with this woman and Fagin and Monks never found he.


    1. This would make a fantastic ending to the story Alberto! 😊 Well done!!

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. This would make the perfect ending to the story Nerea! You have created a great ending to the story! I am impressed 😊
    Keep up the good work! 😊
