lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

Making Questions from Sentences

Happy Monday everyone!

I hope you all had a good weekend (and even enjoyed a walk)!

Below are 10 sentences that require a question before them. Can you make questions for all 10 sentences? I have put the words you need to focus on in colour 😊

1. I have ten cats.
2. I am 25 years old.
3. I want water.
4. Because I hurt my head.
6. She is at school.
7. It is next Saturday.
8. It is half past three.
9. Thirty-five pounds.
10. It is Martin's pencil.

Can you create 3 sentences that require a question? You can comment on each other's posts and write the questions 😊

12 comentarios:

  1. How many cats do you have?
    How old are you?
    what do you want?
    Why do you go to the hospital?
    where is she?
    When is it ?
    When is it?
    How many pounds do you have?
    Who´s this pencil

    my sentences:
    They were at Inés's house
    I have 2 euros

    It's from Elisa and Silvia
    (i´m Miriam of 6A)

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. Very good attempt Miriam 😊
      Try to do number 4 again in the past.
      You have nearly got number 8 correct - try it again.
      And can you do number 10 again? Remember 'whose' is the possessive form of the pronoun 'who', whilst 'who's' is the contraction of 'who is' or 'who has'.

  2. Hi Leah
    1.How many cats do you have?
    2.How old are you?
    3.What do you want?
    4.Why do you went at the hospital yesterday?
    6.Where is she?
    7.When is it?
    8.When is it?
    9.How many pounds do you have?
    10.Who's this pencil?

    My sentences:
    1.I went to the park
    2.Becouse I were so bored
    3.She´s sad
    One kiss, Elisa of 6ºA

    1. Very good effort Elisa 😊
      Try to do number 4 again in the past.
      You have nearly got number 8 correct - try it again.
      And can you do number 10 again? Remember 'whose' is the possessive form of the pronoun 'who', whilst 'who's' is the contraction of 'who is' or 'who has'.

  3. Hello Leah. I am Marcos García-Rama of 5B.
    1. How many cats do you have?
    2. How old are you?
    3. Do you want anything?
    4. What is the matter in your head?
    6. Where is she?
    7. When is your birthday?
    8. What time is it?
    9. How much is it?
    10. Who is this pencil?
    My sentences are:
    The concert is tomorrow.
    Yes, I have a cat.
    I have two televisions.
    Bye bye

    1. Really well done Marcos 😊
      Your response to number 4 is very close. Try to do it again.
      And can you do number 10 again? Remember 'whose' is the possessive form of the pronoun 'who', whilst 'who is' means something different.

  4. Hi Leah I´m Alberto of 6A.

    1ºHow many cats do you have?
    2ºHow old are you?
    3ºWhat do you want?
    4ºWhy did you go to the hospital the other day?
    6ºWhere is she?
    7ºWhen is your sister´s birthday?
    8ºWhat time is it?
    9ºHow many pounds do you have?
    10ºWhose is this pencil?


  5. Hi Leah!
    1:How many cats do you have?
    2:How old are you?
    3:What do you want to drink?
    4:Why are you wearing bandages on your head ?
    6: Where is she?
    7:When is the english exam ?
    8:What time is it ?
    9:How much is this gum ?
    10:Whose this pencil?
    I have two sisters and one brother.
    He didn´t go to school because he was ill .
    We Will go to the cinema at eight o´clock

    I think that the questions of Garcia-Rama are:
    When is the concert?
    Have you got a cat?
    How many televisions do you have?
    Are they right, Marcos?

    1. Really good questions Nico! They are very creative 😊
      Please check number 10 - 'Whose is this pencil?'
      Those questions for Marcos are excellent! Good work!

  6. Hello Leah: I am Alberto 6A
    My sentences are:
    -I have one pet.
    -My birthday is october 4th.
    -His favorite subject is Math.

