jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

What do you think will happen next?

Chapter Four: Fagin's Game   
After breakfast Fagin said to Oliver, "You can go out with Dodger today.” Oliver was happy and excited. He wanted to work. He followed Dodger to the market. They walked very slowly. Suddenly Dodger stopped. "Do you see that old man near the bookshop? He's perfect." The old man was in front of the bookshop window. Dodger went behind the old man. Dodger put his hand in the old man's pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. He then ran away. Oliver began to run too. At that moment the old man put his hand in his pocket. He did not find his handkerchief. He turned around and cried, "Stop thief!" Other people cried, "Stop thief!" Everyone ran after poor Oliver. Oliver ran and fell. A policeman caught him and said, "Get up!" "I didn't steal the handkerchief!" cried Oliver. "Another boy stole it, but he isn’t here." "You're the thief!" said the policeman. "No, no! Stop! I work at the bookshop and I saw everything," said another man. "This boy is innocent. Another boy stole the handkerchief." Oliver was free. But he was very weak and fell to the ground. The old man was very kind and said, "Oh, the poor boy! Look at his white face. He must come home with me." He called a carriage and took Oliver to his house. The old man's name was Mr Brownlow. He lived in a very nice house in a quiet London street. When Dodger arrived home Fagin asked, "Where's Oliver?" "A policeman took him away," said Dodger. "What!" cried Fagin. He was furious. "Oliver will tell the police about us. We must find him."

Handkerchief: a small piece of fabric, usually square, and used especially for wiping your nose, eyes or face.

What do you think will happen next?

Write the next part of the story. You must write between 35-50 words.

Have fun! 😊


19 comentarios:

  1. Hi Leah.
    I´m Marcos García-Rama Romano, from 5ºB
    Then they were looking for him all over London, calling all the houses, asking:" Have you seen a boy running away and scared?".They entered in a home where a girl saw Oliver. They
    search and search for Oliver and they did not fiend.

  2. Hi Leah
    In my opinion before Oliver take the man handkerchief the police tried to cath Oliver but he can't caht Oliver Dogerd thougt that if he go the wai that Oliver decide to go he would cath Oliver. Oliver decide to go to jell and he meet with a friend.

  3. hi!Im Paula Romero Martin
    They didnt know where was Oliver so they went looking for him and they were looking for him all dat but they didnt find him, so they went to the pólice station and they asked the pólice to help them find him the pólice say: Of course.So they got into the pólice car and were looking for him.And they saw him in a stable they asked him what he did and he was visiting his aunt.

    See you soon

  4. Hi Leah!!
    I'm Irene Uceda de 6ºA
    The man who took Oliver home gave him clean clothes and food.
    When a week passed, the man realized that he couldn't support Oliver, because since he worked in a bookstore, he didn't have enough money to support another person. So he decided to take him to an orphanage so that he doesn't suffer with him and that they can feed him well. The day they said goodbye, they shed a light tear. The man said Oliver: "When you go out come, visit me"
    I wish you liked it.

    1. Irene, you have come up with a great idea! I particularly like the phrase 'they shed a light tear'. Well done 😊!

  5. Hi leah
    They don´t find it but they went to the comisary to ask to the policemans
    -Were is the house of this policeman?
    -I think is was in websaid street
    They went to webside street and they found the house of policeman and they call the policman to lauder
    I hope that you like it
    one kiss, Elisa of 6ºA

  6. Hi Leah, Im Miriam of 6A:

    -Fagin and Dodger went to seach Oliver.
    -Fagin: he is there Dodger
    they two run to a house and enter.
    Oliver are in this house, but the policemans with he, and they arrested Fagin and dodger .

    1. This is a nice ending Miriam 😊 I'm glad that they get arrested!

  7. Hi Leah.
    The next part of the history.

    When the old man came home , he invitated Oliver to have a snack , Oliver ate the whole snack and tolds the old man where the other boys live and who were engaged. Oliver told the old man that he had to return because they would be looking for him.

    I am Cristina Lozano Díaz of 5B

    1. Well done Cristina! Please remember - 'story' not 'history'. Great use of verbs too! 😊😊

  8. Hi Leah! I continue the story:
    But Fagin and Dodger decided wait to look for Oliver the next day.
    At Mr. Brownlow home, Oliver met his wife and his son, they liked him very much. They gave him new clothes and they had dinner together. This night Oliver slept very well . The next day, when he had seen out the window, he saw that Dodger and Fagin were coming Mr. Brownlow¨s house, so he escaped.

    1. Good work Nico! I'm interested to find out what happened after Oliver escaped from Mr Brownlow's home. Well done for using verbs in the past, especially irregular verbs! 😊

  9. Hi Leah I´m Alberto of 6ºA.
    Continuation of the history:

    Fagin and Dodger went to the policeman thinking that Oliver was there. When they arrived, they saw that Oliver was not. He was with the old man, Mr Brownlow. Dodger and Fagin
    didn´t know where he could be. While Oliver was happy in the house of London.
    The others continued looking for him and finally they found him. Depite the prayers of Oliver for staying there, Fagin take him back to his house. Oliver was sad again.


    1. Well done for continuing the story Alberto! I see that you haven't chosen a happy ending. You have used some excellent phrases, especially 'despite the prayers of Oliver', so well done! 😊 Also, please remember 'story' not 'history'.

  10. Wow, this is a really good ending Nerea - good job and well done for using the past tense, especially with some difficult irregular verbs! 😊
